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Lang Igo Primol: The Best Way to Update Your iGO Primo Language Settings to French


The vast majority of Cambodia's population is of ethnic Khmer origin (over 95%) who are speakers of the Khmer language, the country's sole official language. Cambodia's population is largely homogeneous. Its minority groups include Chams (1.2%), Vietnamese (0.1%) and Chinese (0.1%).[13]

1 L JTHE SUN SUNsATURDAY SATURDAY NOm NOVEMBER ER 20 O 1909 1I NEW YORK 26 2 YEARS AFTER AFTERRIM AFTJR1 AFTJR1PlWIllJl AFTERILGRLW IPlWIllJl RIM BOMB FROM EUROPE EUROPEFIXOS EUROIF1VD3 I IrINDSrINDS A BETTER CITY CITYstreet CITY8t1 CITYtrettstreet 8t1 t Crowd fBtyvoraper yorper apen Women II flu 110t flutell o otelltell t l Theatres Opera Commented CommentedIfpon Commentedtpon d dtTpODIfpon by Henry Cachkrd CactlrdMannm CactlrdMannmIMr Manner MannerMewMew IMr W We Say Deg Pardon Now NowKvery Nowtvery NowEveryEvery time a New Ne Yorker returns from fronlturop8 fromEurope fromEuropeEurope he discovers dlaoov r8 change in ft tho city cityeven cityIven cityeveneven If rhe he has been beonaway a way only long enough enoughtoto catch a steamer back Henry Cachard Cachardwhowho was a New Ne Yorker twentyflvo years yearsago yeUs1I1t0 eare eareagoago and still may bo called a New Yorker Yorkarthough Yorkertbougbhehumadeh Yorkerthoughthough tbougbhehumadeh he has haemado made his It homo In Parinfor Parinfortwentyfive Pri for Cortwentyfive fortwentyflvetwentyfive years y nrs maya that anybody who whoknew wboknew whoknewknew New York a quarter of a coatury coaturyagoago a o would not recognize the olty today todayoCo o absolutely baa It changed changedMr ciangeMrMr Caobard i 1M the European partner partnerCoudert partnorCoudert partnerCoudortCoudert Bros He Is one of the most mostwidely mOlltwidely moatwdeIywidely known Americana In Europe and andhis andhu andPiehis been president of the American AmericanChamber AmericanChamber AmericanhambarChamber of Commerce in Paris Ho wears wearsthe wensthe wearsthethe red button of the Legion of Honor Honorand Honornd Honorandand nd it contracts well w 1I with a set of hand handomo handomo handsomeomo gray whiskers carefully parted partedwhich partedwhich partedwhichwhich do not detract from a distinguished distinguishedappearance distinguishedappearance distinguishedapperanCeappearance appearanceForFor yean Mr Caohard and the late lateEdroond lateEdmond lateEdmondEdmond Kelly practically divided the theFrancoAmerican th thFrancoAmerican thFrancOAmel1cnFrancoAmerican law business If any anyAmerican anyAmerican anyAmerfoanAmerican gets Into trouble In Paris now nowadays nowadays nowadays adays he is likely to bo told that Cachard CachardIsII the man that can get him out outNew outSew outNewNew York ban b changed more during duringtwentyfive durlnetwentydve duringtwentyfivetwentyfive years than any city clt In InEurope Inurope InEuropeEurope urope said Mr Cachard at the Plata Platayesterday PlazaJeatemy Plasaeaterdayyesterday Even Berlin could hardly hardlybe I Ibebe rated as II a close second You can caneasily canusil caneiIyeasily usil recognlss nl = tha th London or r the Paris Parisofof today as being the London or the theParis theParisIParis of a quarter of a century ago but butitit Is not the case with New York Those Thosewho Thoeewbo Thoeswhowho have remained here to grow with withthe withtbe withthethe city hardly realize this in Inplte spite of ofthe ofthe Ithe rapidity with which changes have havetaken havetaken havetakentaken place placeWhat placeWhat I IWhatWhat most Impresses the man wno wnoattempts wnoattempts wnoitteznattempts ittezn to make a comparison of the themetropolis themetropolis I Imetropolismetropolis of today with the New York YorkII knew as a very young man is the tbeflood flood floodof Iof 0 humanity that flows along the streets streetsYou a etreeteYou 11OteTouYou are always alwayaln In a crowd Twentyfive Twentyfiveyearsyears eara ago you seldom aeldomliIwa saw a woman down downtown downtown aowntown town Nowadays I notice that in Nassau InNaaaut Nassaustreet Nassautreetstreet t t about noon people fill not only onlytha onlr oni onithethe sidewalk but the streets as well welland weland I Iandand women stenographers an innova innovation innovation innovation tion since that day and others who work workInIn the vicinity seem to be almost in the themAt themajority themajor1tmajority majorityAt major1tAtmAt At that time New Yorks tall building buildingwaswas the Equitable office whose height heightnow h lKbt lKbtnonow no Is comparatively oomparaUvelyJnaignlftoant Insignificant Per Personally PerOII1Iy Peraonally sonally I do not think the skyscraper skyscrapercancan be counted as an improvement I Iam Iam Iamam dead against it For one thing it ithas Ithaa Ithashas spoiled the general appearance of ofthe ofthe ofthethe city Besides Be id08 It causes ca too great a acongestion acongestion acongestioncongestion of persons in a small area areaand areaand areaandand tends to deprive the streets of light lightand lightADd lightandand air ahIn airInthe airInIn Inthe the hotels the Improvement has hasbeen hasn hasbeenbeen n immeasurable When I left here herefor herefor hereforfor Paris the Windsor the Brunswick Brunswickandand the Victoria wero the great and fash fashionable tuhionable fahlonable ionable hostelries The world of fashion fashionwent faahlonent fashionwentwent ent to Delmonicos old place at Twenty Twentysixth Twentybtb Twentysixthsixth street and Fifth avenue now Martine Mar Martins tartins tins and all great balls were given there thereWard thereWard thereSardWard McAllister was society reoognlred reoognlredloader reoopnlredIMder reoogniedleaderloader while the honor of being New NewYorks NewYork NewYorksYorks leading hostess h t Mrs rs Psrcu Ste Stevens Stevans te teveoa vans shared with the late Mrs William WilliamAstor WilliamAator WilliamAstorAstor AstorPeople AatorPeopl AstorPeoplePeople remained in town more then thenthan thenthan thenthanthan they do now and there wan OW a moru moruvieiting moruvlsting moruvisitingvisiting from house h in the evening New York still tllI had ltd ltdregularset itdreauJu ltdregularregularset regular If01 et of pld qldtalnilios families who wh know knowach ImowfOh knoweacbOthetach eacbOthet ether aad each Others a pc peit it t end endfamily IlndfamilY endfsmllyfamily history as aawellThero well There was tL4 no noneed noneed noneedneed of dreading to ask people to moot mooteach mootach uoeteacheach other Now there seems ma to Ixj a ahundred ahundred ahundredhundred different sets setsThere setsThere setsThereThere WI wa no Metropolitan Opera OperaHouse OperaHouae0 House as yet Grand opera wat still stillbeing aUlIh4lng stIllbeingbeing given in the Academy of Music Mtisicwhere Musicwhere lll8icwherewhere Patti used to sing and get 1000 1000a ooo ooonlghttor ooaaa night nlghttor for It itI a price that to the t e best bestof bestof bestofof my knowledge no singer baa ever everbeen evern overbeenbeen n able to obtain since Patti agent agentwaswas an old Italian named Fanchi a good goodbusiness goodbualness goodbusinessbusiness man Ho got tho late lat Col ColMapleson ColMapleeon ColMaplesonMapleson to make a contract for just one oneseason oneson oneI oneseason Iseason son for 200000 at ttOOO a night and andthere andthere andthere Ithere was all sorts ortlof of trouble when a aflood aRood atioodflood prevented the singer from fromieachinlC fromieachinlCIn reaching reachingFtFt Louis in time for a performance rformance that thathad thathad thathadhad been advertised d Fanchi had to tolose to1011II toloselose 5000 of the contract as well wellThe weltThe wellTheThe improvement in tho theatres has haabeen hasbePn lisabeenbeen marvellous The buildings are com comfortable comfortsble cornfortablsfortable and well ventilated ventilatedthey they used to tohe tot tobehe t as cheerless as some of the Loudon Londontheatres Loudontbeatresand Loudontheatresandtheatres tbeatresand and some of thorn are magnifl magniflenthare attended all three of the perform performances ances given at the New Theatre which I Iconsider IlOMlder Iconsiderconsider to be one of the most wonderful wonderfulinstitutions wonderfulInatltutlona wonderfulInstitutionsinstitutions of its kind in the world The Thowomen Thewomen Thewomanwomen on the stage dress far better than thanthey thanthey thantheythey used to and the audiences mao maltomuch maomuch malomuchmuch more of an attempt to be in evening eveningdress eveningrNdress dressIn rN > l lInIn the manners of the people ple there has hasbeen hash hasheenbeen h n a vast change for the better It Itmay Itmay Itmaymay be true that a man will not always alwaysrise ahrasriorise in a street at root car to give a woman his hisseat hiseat hisseatseat but you hear the word ord please in infinitely InInItely infinitely finitely more than used to be the case If Ifa Iftl1IU1 Ifaa man accidentally accldentallybruahee brushes against you youin youIn ou ouInin the street nowadays he begs your pardon pardon par pardon don a thing that seldom II happened in inNew infe inNewNew fe York twentylive years yea ago agoNot ORONot agoNotNot many foreigners got to New Ne York Yorkuu visitors in that day except exooptEnKlIllbmen exooptEnKlIllbmenwho Englishmen Englishmenwhowho were w reatill still the great travellers of the thoworld theworld theworldworld and these th found much to complain complainftft r then in the cab service which wblchal was and andtill andtlll andtl1ltill is atrocious Why if you are a aMranger aAtrangr aatrangerMranger you cannot KO anywhere in a acab ACAb acabcab for less than a dollar while hlle you can canKO canIto cangoKO twice as a 5 far In almost any European Europeancitycity for a quarter quarterKven quarterven quarterEvenEven ven in that thatday day New York YdIc was not notmuch notmuch notmuchmuch built builtupabovethepark up above the thepnrk park As Asachild AsachildI a child childII lived on the south aide of Fortysecond Fortysecondtrerttreet between Fifth and Madison ave avenunu 015 111 s and at that time we could see the thefr the1f8 thereesrees fr of the park from there Up in the theneighborhood theDiRhborhood thenighborhoodneighborhood of Fiftieth street were wereimmense weretmmlnl8 weremmnseimmense cattle yards yardsThere yardsThlre yardsThThere Th re was no sight to t be seen In any anyrf anyrrrf 1 the hotels of a great elevator dropping droppingrr > if f it were going to make a great hole holem h le lethem the ground and discharging fifteen to totwenty totnty totwentytwenty persons at a time Railroad and andrry andrrry andferryrrry rry stations were small find InsigniA insignificant cant nt When you took a train for Phila Philadelphia Phllaf1eIpbla Philadeiphia delphia you saw notbingof of the factories factoriesii hut now n w line the way Towns like New NewBrunswick NewBrunlwick NevRrunswlckBrunswick and Newark were not knowh knowna knowhIreata great industrial centres centresThe centresTbe centresTheThe streets of New York were ere in an anawful anrul anawfulawful rul condition After a rain there was wasalways washIYI wasalwaysalways hIYI mud The car cr tracks trk which were werelaid werelAir werelirilaid lAir in a haphazard hphard fashion wabbled as asth asth asthth hone ho earnpassed cr over them and andtaking nndta andtatngtaking ta lnl a ride in 11 p them meant submitting submittingto submittng submittngttto tt a process pr sl that almost reduced ruc you to tony toTheny 1 The Thl streets Itrt wore wer full Cul of holes holesfcometimed holl holesbonietmesfcometimed SomEtme an attempt attmpt was wa made to clean cleanthem clen clenthf1 cleanthemthem thf1 When the dust was wa dry dr occa occafionally o occaiIonaItyfionally Imaly it would be b swept Into heaps heapsnnd hep heapsamAnd am then thEn before befor a cart crt came eme camoaround around arolnd to toroll torolft toiolIectroll rolft iolIect ct it the refuse rfu would be scattered scatteredby ttrby h the wind There Tere ro > no noVhILo Whllo Whit Wings Wingsinin those tho e days daysTheredayThere was always an a adequate aeuat supply suppiyof BUPPIYlawyerof lawyers lawyer 11 but the number numbr seem I to have haveIncreased haveincrease haveincreasedIncreased fourfold fourold At that tht time tme tho thoCourt thoCOllr theCourtCourt COllr increase of Common Cmmon Pleas Ple the Superior Superiornnd Buprlor BuprlorIndnnd Ind the Supreme Courts Cut were separate separateinstead aeprat separateinsteadIn instead teld of being big merged into Ito one Supreme SupremeCourt BuprmeCour SupremeourtmergCourt CourtOn Cour ourt ourtOOn O the steamships they were still stilllining sti stillusinglining kerosene kero8ne ltmehlp lamps and candles mndls though thoughthey thoujh thoujhthey thoughtheythey were startingta strtinl1 lp to t employ emplo electric electricity elerio elerioIty ity for lighting The crack cok llnen liners of that thatday tbt tbtray thatclayday ray were lgtng the th Oallia Gallof of the Canard Cnrd Line Linethe Lie LieBritnnlo Linethethe Britannia Britnnlo Britannicand and the Germanic Oeralo of tho thowhite t the1white Ite Star St Line Lie and the Inman Inma liner UnerCity linerCity ICity of Berlin Brln The German Geran lines liea had hadnot h hadnotnot begun bgun to t play the great gat part they theynow theyno theynowprnow no have in transatlantic t traffic for theytheytrohad nN Fulda FuldaIt only small ml ntptk ships Ihlp like the Trave Trv and andFulda ai andFiIdaIt used Ded to t be b impossible Ipalble to t go any anywhere ay aywher anywhere where on Sunday for foraot not a tram tri was wasrun w wf weeii run f en that tt Sui d d y There 7 was WUD no ouch Ic suchttVt jthing tig u a a Sunday Suy concert The daypassed like lie the solemn II cncr English Sunday dyp On O the t whole whl concluded EneU Mr Sudy Cachardthe te Improvement fprveme ou In I New Ne York M In C twenty tentyfive fve years ye yearsend nd twentyfive tWeufve years er is I a ashort I Iao ashortshort ao time tl In Europe Erpni Europebee has bean bn wonder wonder ful fu It I does d give you yo a Rip Ri Van Wlnkllsh Wlnlabfooling to see s gv the te New York of today toyand compare It I with wih New York he knew knewwell knewwel knewwellcompwell wel a quarter quar of a century ago agoHARVARD acolBARO agofl4RVARHARVARD lBARO HAS A JUXIOR SHOW SHOWOArty 5110WDAre IW IWPArCDAre PArC or the Guards Glards Goes GOHWol Well K Inm Inmto Ien Iento > en entoto the Ihl Army ArmyThe Ami AmiTe AmTheThe Te class of lOt I of Barnard College Collegeis COlege COlegela Iis happy because beuao its i junior junlorbo show pr prRented pre preante preseatedRented ante yesterday reatray afternoon altrnoon for the first firsttime frst frsttme firsttimetime tme went so 6 wall wel The Te juniors were werenot werenotconfdenUht werenotnot notconfdenUht confident that DAroy DAr of oUheGuar the Guards Guardsaa play of ofthe the American Amerlo Revolution Rvoluton would wouldmeet wouldnlet wouldmeetmeet nlet with Ith tho critical crlto1 approval of the thestudent tbestudent thestudentstudent body boy even though it t offeredthe orere offered fled1thethe reappearance rapp3ranoe of two Barnard Baal stars starsMian atal starsMiesMian Marian Oberndorfor Obrdorfer the hero her won wonfame wonfam wonfamefame fam as a Mali M4lolo MthoUo olio in Twelfth Tlh Night Nightlast NightlalSt Nighrlastlast year and Miss la Frances Frnce Randolph Randolphhas Rndolph Rndolphbhas b been b the heroine in the last two large largeproductions largeprouotlonsLdu largeproductIonsLadeproductions prouotlonsLdu productIonsLade Ladu Babble Babe in the Little LittleMinister Ille Illellnlatr LittleMinisterMinister and Viola In Twelfthllnlatr ocln Telth Night NightTheir NlahtTheir NightTheirTheir performance prforano in this play was wasconsidered wasconsidered aa aaconalderconsidered conalder by b the majority to have hve out outdone out outdone done anything they ever did before befor for forthe forthe forthethe Irish Major completely captivated captivatedthe cptvated cptvatedthethe hearts heut of the feminine audience audiencewhile audienc audiencewhilewhile hlo the beautiful butful little litte heroine quite quitefascinated quitefalnat quitefascinatedfascinated falnat the men menMoreover menMorvr menMoreoverMoreover Morvr the supporting aupporlnc cast was wasvoted u I Ivot I Ivotedvoted vot to be the tb best best looking collection collectionthat colecion Ithat ever evr graced the Brinckerhoff Brlnokrhol stage stageStunning I stageStunning e eStunnlnjStunning Stunnlnj Brc English Enelah officers omoltl resplendent resplendentIn rplnent rplnentinIn scarlet arlet coats cts white whie wigs and glitter glittering glitterlug Uter UterIng ing swords swor lent color and and beauty bauty to the thescene Iheane thescenescene ane They bowed commanded commdi drank dranktheir drankthir dranktheirtheir thir punch and cracked crked their jokes jokesas jokelas though they tbe had b done it all al their teir lives livesand lva lvaId liveand Iand Id not as though these tbe were new oc occupations o cccupationa Icupations cupationsEven cpatonEven the te usual Barnard Brrd army ary of four fourwith fourwith tourwithwith heavy beav muskets that thlwalk walks across acrossthe acrolsthe acrossthethe stage stg nt It least INt once In every known knownproduction knownprucion knownproductionproduction prucion was so 1 well wel trained that It Itreached Itrcbe itreacbedreached the exit without stumbling stumbln or orlosing orWing orlpainglosing rcbe a hat hatI hatBtWing I But Bt the t h e chief cause cau of surprise and andJoy andoy andoyJoy oy to the faithful faihul Barnard Brard audience nudlencawas Rudlencwas that tht the curtain crtain rose re twice on brand brandnew brandne brandnewnew ne scenery ler The he property propery room IB now nowreplenished nowrpleniale nowreplenisuedreplenished rpleniale with wih a Colonial Clonial exterior and andinterior andIntrior andinteriorinterior Intrior which whih were received rcived with round roundof rund rundof roundsofof applause and cheers of appreciation appreciationand apprciaton apprciatonandan celtland gratitude gttude from the students studentsThe atudentaThe studentsTheThe cast clt was wasDArey waaDAry wasDDArey DAry D Arey of the tbOur Guard II Oberodorfer UObmdoer UObmdoerDto tJObemdorferDoctor OberodorferDoctorDoctor Dto Grocery OrCI KGar KO KOHI OyHarry HI Townnend TIDd TownaendJ J Brown Br DuosnMr BrownMrMr r Davis Da Quaker N Stewart StewartCapt 51ar SlewarlCaptCapt Cof Col rI HaltwelU Darter r = tl 1 i iSb8nall 1 BoItshlUkr landford landfordSambo sndfordSainboSambo Sb8nall Servant V Sohwelier SohwelierPamela Slwelur SlwelurPamea SchwelerPanwiaPamela Pamea Towntend Tad France Yn Randolph RandolphMrTownwnd RndolpbrMrTownwnd Mrs r Townwc r Kva va Wordectl WordectlCynlhta lordcat lordcatCralbla MordecatCynthIaCynthIa Dean a Louie lle Jotmton JotmtonIlenlans JObDID JohzieooItesInsAWell AWellOfflcer AWelIlenlans 11 1 K 1 Bruntnr BruntnrFt rltD rltDII Ft I Hake HakeU Uks UksII U I Mcboedlor McboedlorM Sboler SbolerOlcr teboedhrOMceraOfflcer OfflcerSoldier Olcr f M Rrsar RrsarK NrKI K Slctlr SlctlrI sc sctL I lleMrn JelrD JelrDI lieklenII I Weymann WeymannK We7maDnKDre WeyznannSOIdIJ K KDre l flume liurneAMorsrnsternSoldier Sldlrr SOIdI era A1 AMorsrnstern AMorsrnsternlanborn Alorrnstern AlorrnsternnbmUJanborn U San SanK lanborn nbmThe chairman chiran of the te committee comn tteeln tteelncharle in incharge inchargecharge was Miss i Madelaine Hlrsh Ilb The Theplay Theplay Theplayplay was wal coached cche by Miss li8 Florence Flornce Oer Oerri Gernab flerrishnab ri h an associate 10iate member membr of the class classof cla claofof 09 0 There Terei will be two performances performancestoday prforancl performancestodaytoday one at 215 and th lbs other at 8 8o0 toay lock to which any one onewill will wi be beDdmIJ beDdmIJt admitted admittedXEtt admittedFWXEtt FW t TIIEATttK T IE1 Til RECRUITS RECRUITSMathrson RItmITf RItmITfUathron RtCRLITSMathesonMathrson Uathron tang Ian and Oinald 0 aid Yorke Yorkf for the theIlrprrtolre tht theItepertoireIlrprrtolre nf rt lre Company ronipanMa COlpn CompanyMatheson I IIalbesnMa Matheson Ialbesn I h eso n Lang Lng a noted note leading man manof manof Iof London Lndon and Oswald Yorke were wereyesterday wereyeteray wereyesterdayyesterday yeteray engaged engge by the New Theatre Theatreas Tetre Tetreasas members of its is repertoire r company companyMr cmpany cmpanyfrMr fr Lang Ilf U I a native nthe of Montreal Montal but butlias butha butheha he lias spent much of his life abroad abrod He Heh HeI H HiI h a son 8n of the Re Rev R v Gavin Lang lncand and a acousin acuin acouaincousin cuin of the Archbishop Arhblhop of York He Hemade Hemade Hemademade his first frst professional appearance appearanceat appsrance appsranceatat Wolvorhampton with wih Louis Calvorts Calvortsrepertoire Calvertlrrepertoire r re ertolre company comlny and then played playedcads playede3de playedo3dSwIth Icads o3dSwIth with lh F RvBenson R1enlon in i Shakespearian Shakespearianrepertoire Shakepcrln Shakepcrlnrpert ShakespearianrpertpIre irepertoire rpert lre He has hl since supported Sir SirHenry SirHenr SirHenry IHenr Henry Irving Ellen Terry Ter and other othernoted othernotf othernotednoted notf players playersOf plyeltl plyeltlotOf the four new members membra of the com companv companv cornpanypanv only one has been assigned aaige a part partn partInin n the forthcoming forbcomlng productions prouctons This ThisMr Tla TlaI Thisis prI is Mr Post who ho will wi appear as Philip PhilipHarrow Phlip PhlipMoraHarrow Mora in The Nigger Niggr duo for fo pres presentation pre preetaton presentation entation on December Drbel 4 The assign assignment aNig assignmont etaton ment of Mr Post Pot gave R3e rise rie to a report reportthat repor reportthatthat there bad been bon friction Crlclon between betweenDirector betwfn betwfnDirtor betweenDirectorDirtor Director Ames Ame and Mr tr Sothern Sther who whowas whowas whowaswas originally cast cst as Philip Phlp Morrow Jlorrol MorrowConcerning MorroirConcerningorginlyConcerning Concrnll this report Mr Ames Ame said saidyesterday sid sidyestery saidyesterdayrepr Has boon friction frictionaetween frictionbetweenyesterday Them Ther b bo no Ifrcton Ifrctonbetwenyesterybetween betwen Mr Sothern Sther and myself mye1 or ortratween orbetwen orbetweenbetween betwen Mr lr Sothern Sthern and any In member memberofof the New Ne Theatre Thotre directorate direct om Ie Five Fiveweeks Fiveweks Fiveweeksweeks ago it was found that Mr Ir Sothern Sothernwould Sot Sothernwould hem hemwouldwould weks be b unable to cancel cncel his hi booking bookingarrangement bking bkingargement bookingarrangementarrangement argement and that Iha he and Mit Mil Miss Mar Marlowe Marloe Mrlowe loe lowe would woul bo 0 an forced foro to leave lv the te theatre theatreearly thotre thotreerly theatreearlyearly erly in January Janur This Tlls fact was 1 an announced announc announced nounced to the public publicSince publo publoSino publicSincenounc Since Sino then there has been b no change changeinin this thl plan As The Nigger Igler an a im important Impnt important portant production pruoton is to have its I pre premiere pr promi ml pnt miere roDmber re December 4 it was Wa thought ad advisable a advisable visable vilble to assign all the principal prcipl male role roleto rOlet roletoto a player plyer who could oul remain rmain in the com company company cornpany t pany during the entire entre season sn In this thisSir thilMr thisMrMr Sothern Btber durng concurred ocred After Aftr Mr Posts Postsengagement Pets Petsengagement Postsengagementengagement he got the part partXEWS prt prtErS partSEWSErS OF FLAYS AND PLAYERS PLAYERSPauline PLYERi PLYERiaulne PLAYERSPaulinePauline aulne Chase Chaf to Appear Appr Here Ipr Next Xlt Sea Season Seaon17nnrl e eontraflClson on17nnrl ontraflCl Francis Wilson Wlao to De Of at the Criterion CriterionPauline Crlerlc CrlerlcPaulne CriterionPaulinePauline Paulne Chase the American Americn actress actresswho acr acrwho actresswhowho plays in Peter Pan for the Christ Christmas Chriltma Christmae mae ma season on at the th Duke De of Yorks a Theatre TheatreLondon Thtre ThtreLndon TheatreLondonLondon Lndon will wi at the end of her London Londonengagement Lndon Lndonengalement Londonengagementengagement engalement make a tour through Vienna ViennaDresden Vienn ViennDreaen ViennaDresdenDresden Dreaen and Budapest Charles Crles Froh Frohrnan Foh Fohman Frohmanman has b completed arrangements arngments for forMiss forMis forMissMiss Mis Chases Case appearance apparanoo npp arance in America Americanext Americ Americnxt Americanextnext nxt season son in a now play playIsrael playlrel playisraelIsrael lrel will wi continue contnuo to be b the bill billat bi billatat the Criterion Theatre Tbetre until unti after the theholidays theholdays theholidaysholidays holdays Francis Frnois Wilson Wiln will wi then come cometo oomet cometoto t this tb l house In his hil own ow play ply The Bache Bachelors Bche Bache1ore lors Baby Bby Mr Frohman has hs just justscheduled juatachedule justscheduledscheduled achedule this thl farce for one of his spring springproductions aprlnzprouction springproductionsproductions prouction In London Lndon where however howeveritit will wi be acted aot by an Engllshcompany EngllshcompanyHarrison Fgllhcompny FgllhcompnymBn EngllshcompanyflarrisonHarrison mBn Grey Gry Fiske Flke has h returned retured from fromMontreal fromlfontrl fromMontrealMontreal where he saw Iaw the production productionof prouoton prouotonofof lfontrl Septimus in which George Anise Arllusopens Arls Arlsop Aniseopensopens op na at the Haokett lacket Theatre next Mon Monday Monday Mooday day night nightWilliam nlgbtWiiam nightWillIamWilliam Faversham Favfrham who bo Is I playing playingthethe Wiiam final fnl week ek of his bi engagement enggment as asat ared aredat H Nat the Lyric Theatre Teatn announces announc that next nextseason next831n nextseasonthflroseason during durng his hil regular rlularNew New York ork en engagement In Ingagemlnt engagement 831n gagement gagemlnt and also al on tour he will wi give giveaa series of special apeal matinees matln of Hamlet HamletF laml lamlIaere F I r Whitney has ha arranged for a 1 series seriesofarrsnle lereof special petinl rnatfn matmes of Paul Bourget3 Burges mntn drama drma f8rlo Divorce Ivorc the theEnglish IheEnglsh theEnglishEnglish version Terion of which has hal been n pre prepared rrepre propared pared Englsh by Stanislaus Rtani latl Stange The fIrst IIrutperformance frt frtperfomnc fIrstperformancepre perfomnc performance will wi b b be on November Jovembr Jovembrand 29 29ind o oandand thereafter matinees matink will wi be b given givenevery giv givenevery n neveryevery day except excpt Saturday 8turday when the thestage thestage thestagestage will 11 he h occupied ocpied by the regular regularmatinees rgular rgularmalnte regularmatinesmatinees of Mr Whitneys musical mUlcl pro production poducion production duction ducion malnte The Chocolate Chollatu Soldier SoldierSPEXT Sldier SldierlJPE1T SoldierSP1NTSPEXT SiOO 40 FOR A 4 DIXXER DIXXERCollege DlRcolise flThXERCoUCollege colise CoU ge mens Nonpsrtlian Nonoparlan Club ob Blew In InMot laMOt InMostMot MOt of Their 9393 S 3 3 at the nryvoort nryvoortALHANT Dr5yoort Dr5yoortA flrvoort flrvoortArRANTArRANT A Nov 19 IgTheCol 19The The College ge Mens MensNonpartisan MenNonprtl MensNonpartieaflNonpartisan Nonprtl n Gaynor GByor Club Cul of New York Yorkity Yorkcty Yorccitycity filed fle Its It election eleoton expense statement statementtoday lttement lttementtodaY statementtodaycty today with wth Secretary cretar of State Eoenig EoenigThe Koeng KoengTe KoenigTheThe club received rlved contributions contributon amount amounting amoanting amounting Te ing to 30305 all al of which wich was W spent spentfhe apnt apntre spentrhofhe list 10 of contributors contributor contains ontalna the thenames thenme thenamesnames re of two well wel known know and distin distinguished dlsUnglaed dietinguished nme guished public publo men Alton B Parker and andOscar andor andOscarglaedOscar Hammerstein HammersteinThe HammersteilThe contribution were nearly nerly eaten eatenup eatenup atenUfup Te by the te oontrbuton expense of giving glvo a luncheon luncheonat lunoheb upnat Uf the Hotel Brevoort Bvoor on n the evening eveningof evenne evenneofof ta e e October Oobr 39 2 to t Jud Jud Judge Oayaor Gf Jt t t cost costtapJ v1 > I > r 1ITHE TH TIIEBEETIIOVNGYCLE 8EETHQYEN BEETHOYH CYCLE BEGUN BEGUNFIRSTFIRST OF TnBPniLHARMOXIC TnBPniLHARMOXICSERIES TlBPllLlrvq1IC TlBPllLlrvq1ICSEIIES TEifl PIIZLU4lfMQX1CsEifIESSERIES sEifIESThOeOondMlllphonSERIESThe8eeoDdBiuphoaySEIIES SEIIESTeThe8eeoDdBiuphoay Te 8eeoDc Nllpbe and ad the Four Over Overtures Oyer Overusres tures UN nrittra lltr for Fldello Fldelo Heard HeardPlajlBB Jeard JeardPaIDK HeardPlayingPlaying PaIDK of the tle Orchestra OrcbPtra Improved ImprovedIn llllroveIn Tonal Quality Quan and Phrasing PnraslncThe PhralnThe PhrasingTheThe extended exeaded activities of the Phil Philharmonic Phi Philharmonicharmonic haronlo Society Sle for the present Reason Reasonembrace lon lonombrac seasonembraceembrace ombrac a series aros of five afternoon afteroon oon oonoerta oon06r concertsoerta 06r devoted to toU1e the performance perforance o omualo of ofmualo ofmuslomualo by Beethoven lb ven Tho masters masterssymphonies mutersIpbonle masterssymphoniessymphonies Ipbonle except the first firt will be b played playedInIn chronological sequence uence and seven sevenout 8ven 8venot sevenoutout ot of his bl eleven overtures oTrturs will wi bo b heard heardTho hear heardTheThe T strict chronological chron01glol character o othe of ofthe ofthethe programmes progrmme had h Its only exception exceptionyesterday exolpton exolptonYPIfrIY exceptionyesterdayyesterday YPIfrIY afternoon in the first rst concert conoorat ooncrt ooncrtat concertatat Carnegie Carezie Hall Hl because heoua of th the desire deslroofof Conductor Cnduotor Mahler to bring brig Into juxta juxtaposition juxtapltonthe juxtapositionposition pltonthe the four fouroverurel overtures written writen at atdifferent atdrrerent atdifferentdifferent drrerent Fldelio FldelioThe Fdelo FldelioThe times tmes for Beethovens Bthovens one opera operaFldelio opra opraFdelo operaFldelioThe other therork work her heard yesterday yetery was wasthe wasthe wasthethe second Bend symphony There Is no now nowcomment nowomment nowcommentcomment omment to be b made on this composition compositionat oomposlton oomposltonatthlaat atthla this late Iate date dte Yet It may not bo amiss amisfor amis amissforfor us to reflect rlot that it would be difficult difficultif dlmcilt dlmciltIif I not Impossible ImpOllbletor for any composer compeerde compeerdevelop composerdeveloped de developedveloped velop In the contemporaneous contemporaeou condi condltlon conditon conditiontlon ton of musical muscl thought to produce pruc a work worksoso eUmentaUn elemeniln Its ltthemato it thematic Invention Inventon so sodirect aodlrtan4 o odirectan4direct dlrtan4 unc spontaneous apntnousln In its It working out outso outsoso 1 completely and convincingly musical musicalinin its It entire en lr atmosphere atmosphereTheThe tntisio of today t AY is slpltlled ipldle oer oerwith olr olrIth er er1thwith Ith the pale ple cost cof of thought Since Sincecomposers Iince Iinceampofr Sinceoornpoeerscomposers ampofr have hve fallen falen to setting letnp to t music musicphilosophic musicphltotopblophilosophic phlophio contemplations onte platlonaand and dissec dissections dieoConI tions of the morbid aspects of human humannature humannatlr humanslattireConI oapcRnature natlr the theannp song of the th floweting fowetlng valley valleyor aley aleyoror the tunllu lutltmoqtaln stmlitrnotntaIn mountain U I not heard hla in intheir Intbelr Intheirtheir tone poems poemsFor poemsForpms pmsForFor an analogy alol we must go back bak in inthe II inthethe history hitor of mt 010 musio lo itself iallr to the time timewhen timewhel timewhenwhen whel musicians mualcan wore r groping studying studyingand atu rlng I Ifnd Itndand fnd prodigiously rlllouly laboring II bring to find the theIdiom theIdiom theIdiomIdiom of their own o1n speech IIPI Ockeghoni Ockeghoniand Ooelhtmandand his contemporaries sought the laws Inwsof hlwsof lawsofof musical muicl hlsrntemJe science lolene and found counter counterpoint counterpint counterpoint point pint But it we WI W3 for their t elr successors succemorsto BUtOre BUtOretto t make mak It speak Bpktb speaktbe the language of beauty beautythe aIJty aIJtythethe gospel 4opel of art The miislo of T lorinln lorinlndes 10tuindedes de Prls Ps of Iso of Palentrina Palerln Is I alive aliveafter alve alveafer aliveafterafter afer more mor than a dozen ado7en centuries ntlrl When Whenever Whenever Whenever ever Its It notes note ore I sounded lSolnded from frm of of ofT the thedeath tbodeatb thedeathdeath pale paper paper it fills fl the world with withbeauty wltbIsuty withbeautybeauty beautyPerhaps IsutyPerhap beautyPerhapsPerhaps Perhap those struggling atruggllg composers composersof cempor cemporofof today are also al evolving the laws laW of a amanner amaor amannormanner maor of musical muicl construction conltruoton which whichsome whichsome hlohaomesome future writers wltra will wi Utilize utlz for the thejoy thejoy thejoy >joy of mankind maknd Meanwhile leanwblo we con c sit sitIn lit litIn sitinIn the presence pruenco of liuothovon Jthoo who also alsocame all allcame alsocamecame Into Int the world at a time tre whon a aform I aforthform was wa ready rdy for thohand tho Yld of a gonlus gonlusand wmluaad gonlusandand ad who took tok that form for completed it Iand ad mde made it Ittbe the medium meium of uttoronc uttra uttorancethat 3 3that I Ithatthat live lv for us U and that will wl probably probablylive probblI Ioflive through the centuries cntuhu cm I the music miisiaofof Paleatrlna IPalatna has lived lved Him 11m too will willsome wi willsomesome Ime poet of the hereafter hortfer colohratit ctlohrt ns nsMr IU IUr asuMrsuMrs Mr r Browning Browing celebrated colebratodSLikripctre clehratu celebratedSlisknpeareSLikripctre Slk a r on whoa rli bOc e forehead forbod climb climbTH elimbFbi 1mb 1mbTTH T Fbi crowns erwns o I the he world worl oh eyes eye sublime subllmaUth sublimeWith ublme ublmeWihWith Wih t tuntd tears an and Uurmer lurbter for all al tin ttmLittle 110 tinLittleLittle Utle enough of tears tel may be b found foundinin the te lovely songs of the th second loond sym symphony lym lymphony symphony phony but blt Its sweetness Iwetnet does dO not fade fadeand fadeand fadeandand the freedom f om of UH U song Is 1 even yet yetlike yetlke yetl4kelike lke the improvisation of a bard brd As Asfor Al Astotfor ho e overtures overur what would wOlld not notlome notlomeo some someof somepfpf of o the composers opOr of today toay give to have havemad bav havemadmad adethe the weakest weaket of them th And what whatcomposer wbat whatcomposer I Ioompcomposer oomp r of today toay having hving made the thoNo theNo iNo No2 t which Is the truo first rt of the th four fourcould fourood fourcouldcould ood rise to the th mighty No No3 No3Mr NoMr n nMrMr Mahler conducted cnduc No 3 yesterday yesterdaybefore yeteraybefore bfor the others other and then gave the au audience al sitdience dience dleno an Intermission Int rl810n Ierhaps In this thiswayway ay the th programme gained Ialned in variety varietybutbut it lacked lcked the element of growth growthHowever growthHowever growthRcweverHowever it was sufficiently sumclenty Interesting Interestingas Interestng Interestnguas It I stood for after aftr listening lstning to t the No SoI1 it was certainly criny eair easier for the average averageauditor averae averaeauditor averageauditorauditor to t note the differences dlrrereno between betweenibis btwen btwenthi betweenthisibis thi masterpiece mastriece and the other two fash fashoned fabloned fashioned Ioned largely of the same materials materialsThe IThe reading rding of the second scnd symphony symphonyjyby jy Mr Mrllahlerwas Mahler Mahlerwas was on the whole good go but butsensitive bl blanaltve bu I Isensitivesensitive analtve worshippers worippr of Beethoven Bethoven may mayuxve mayhve mayhavehve have uxve wished wihed that he had laid less le8 stress stresson 8trl 8trlon stresonof the accents It reminded remindedaton some Bme acents I rmInded rmIndedatat least Joat one hearer hOrer of some of Dr von vonSUlows vonBUlows vonUtilowsSUlows methodic melholo demonstrations demonltmtona of tho thoway theway thowayway in which Beethoven Betboven ought to be bplayed playedOn pl yeOn the other hand In the Leonore Leonoreoverture Lnore Lnoreoveru beonoreovertureoverture overu No No3 3 Mr Mablorobtalned ablerobtlne splen splendid aplendid splendid did dramatic drsmato effects eret and although altough the theflnale thefnale thefinalefinale fnale was tatfen tlen at a daring pace poo it whirled whirledthethe hearer herer along with it and brought him himbreathless himbreathel himbreathlessbreathel breathless to the final fl chords The play playing playInR playlag lag of the orchestra was in general better betterIn bltter bltteriIn i tonal tnal quality qulty and in phrasing than at atthe atthe atthethe previous concert concertThe concertThe concertTheThe doubling doublig of the wood winds pro produced producedgood produced duced ducedgood good effects in some Ime places and anddisturbing anddlltublng anddisturbingdisturbing dlltublng ones one in others other But this has hasalways h hasalwaysalways been bn the case ca and it will wil probably probablycontinue probablycontinue probablycontinuecontinue to t be a debatable debatblo question questionwhether queton quetonwhether questionwhetherwhether the doubling doublng is to i the glory glor of ofBeethoven ofBlhoven ofBeethovenBeethoven Blhoven or not notCOMMITTEE notCOUUITTEE notCOVMITTEECOMMITTEE PUT HACK HACKConaectlent RtOKConaletent RACKConeetiefltConaectlent Conaletent Appointments Corliss Cnrtu Held lpid to De Valid Vald Here HereThe lu luThe litreTheThe property propry of Mrs Julia Jula Watts Morris MorrisCurtlss Mor MorrisCurtiuCurtlss Cuis who Inherited Inherit a third of the estate estateof estatof her aunt Mary G PInkney Pinkey was wa put putback putbck putbackback bck in the hands of John C Shaw and andElmore andElmoB andElmoreElmore ElmoB S Banks tho committee committ of her herproperty herproperty herpropertyproperty by a decision decsion of the Appellate AppellateDivision Applate ApplateDiviaon AppellateDivisionDivision Diviaon of the Supreme Court yesterday yesterdaywhich yeltray yeltraywhich yesterdaywhichwhich revened the order of Supreme Court CourtJustice CourtJUtice CourtJusticeJustice JUtice Brady removing rmoving the committee committeeJustice commite committeeJusticeJustice Juatc Dradr Scott Sot who wrote the opinion opinionsaid opinionMid opinionsaidsaid that tt the Connecticut Conneotcut court had june jurisdiction jurladloton junediction diction dloton to make the order appointing appointng the thecommittee thecommitee thecommitteeorercommittee commitee It I was wa urged urgd that the find findIng fnd fndIng findingIng of the Connecticut Connetout court that Mrs MrsCurtiss MrsCurt MrsCurtisaCurtiss thy by reason of intemperance and andmental andmentalrason Intmprncand Intmprncandmentllmental mentll Curt derangement dernement has become and Is laIncapable isIncapable I IIncaPbleIncapable of managing manging her affairs alalrs Is not notequivalent notflquivalent notequivalentequivalent IncaPble to the language lan lani uale uago of the New NewYork NewYork NewYorkYork code that she is incompetent Incomptmt to tomanage tomanAe tomanagemanage ooe herself her8el or her affairs aralrs In cones consequence oonlequence conesquenCe quence manAe of orunovldlocybabltul lunacy Idiocy habitual drunk drunkenness drunkennel drunkennfse enness ennel or imbecility Imbeclty arising from old age aeor ageoror loss los of memory memor or understanding undertnding or orother orother orother Iother causes causesJusficn caus causJUtC8 causesJusficeJusficn Scott Bott says IYS it U I not expected expectedthatJUtC8I that every State shall shal adopt the identical identicalphraseology Identci Identciphrafoolog identicalphraseologyphraseology In describing decrhing incompetency incompetencyandand phrafoolog that thatal all that thatis In I nocexsary noclry necessaryis is that thathey thatheysbal thattheyl thattheylshall they theyshallshall sbal substantially aub tntuly describe describ the same Ime In Incompetenoy Incomptnoy incompetencycompetency comptnoy comptnoylwer competencyLawyerLawyer Richard Price Ilee Indicted IndictedThe Indletll IndletllThe indictedTheThe Brooklyn B rokly n Grand Grnd Jury Jur yesterday yesterdayhanded yeaterdaybanded yesterdayhandedhanded down two Indictments for grand grandlarceny grnd grndlarceny grandlarcenylarceny in the second Icond degree degre against againstRichard againstRlchaJd againstRichardRichard Price Pric a lawyer lawer for swindling swindlingtwo swindlng swindlngtwotwo clients clents in i a real rl estate eatto transaction tranMclon tranMclonPrice transactionPrice IranmotionPricePrice was arraigned arigne before Judge Fawcott FawcottIn Fawctt FawcttInIn the th Wa County Count Court Curt and ad remanded rmanded back backto bck bcktto Jail where wher ho has b boon bn for more than a amonth I amonthmonth t Jai awaiting awaitig trial in Another alleged allegedswindling aleged alegedawlndlng allegedswindlingswindling awlndlng matter matterPolice mattr mattrPolce matterPolleePolice Polce Captain Dulfrr Dlter Not Indicted IndictedThe Indote IndictedTheThe Te Grand Grnd Jury in Brooklyn has ha re refused retuB refused fused tuB to indict Indot Police Polc Captain Captin John Duller Dulfcrof Dler Dlerofof the Flatbush Fatbuh station atton who was wa accused accusedof Iof assaulting aauling Patrolman James L I Mc McCormlck McConick McCormicko Cormlck Conick with a blackjack blackack Dulfer was waspermitted wal waspermittedpermitted prmittd to appear bfore before the thf Grand GrandJury GrandJury GrandJuryJury and have Mve his witnesses wltn examined examinedas exmined exminedaas a well wel as those tho for McCormick Mcrmlok and he heconvinced heoT hecon1noedconvinced them tbn that McCormick Mclok was the thegir theaeae oT gir 1 Mor in lnthear the affrayj juu s f ii I VMADAMA lADAA ttVTTERFLY SUNG SUXOMore SUNOJlore SUNGMoreMore Folks Potl Would 1eult Hate la1 Been Bee There ThereProbably Tee ThereProbablyProbably loabllall Hail Caruso Car Been Bee StasNig StasNigMadama S151 SlnglgMsdamaMadam Butterfly Buttry was W sung sun at the ttoMetropolitan tMMotrplan theMetropolitanMetropolitan Motrplan Opera Opr House Hou8 last lst nigh nighto nightto Ito the evident evldentpleur pleasure of an audience audienceofof fair sire ISlz The Te popularity ppulrity of the opera opr I Icertainly la lacrinly iscertainlycertainly crinly not yet on the wane wle but doubt doubtleas doubtle doubtlessleas le them tlere would wuld have been ben more auditors auditorsin audltolin some parts par of the house hOUe had hd Mr Cams Camsbeen Caro Carobn Carusobeenbeen bn the reprnttve representative of the decidedly decidedlyunmoral decidedlyuDorl decidedlytllUflOralunmoral uDorl naval lieutenant loutonant f O Pink Pinkerton Pinrrto Pinkertonerton rrto The Thl public publo nt nt the outset Ottt formed formedtho forme formedthOtho opinion tint tbl t Mr h Caruso nnd thl thlrola thll this thisr6iorola ought to be inseparable Infeprble and th thearned the tho6unt theearneetearned elforU rorht of young Mr Urasui Grull Ian Ianseason lut10380b lastseasonseason 10380b could cOII1 not change chang this thI view viowtint vlowtut viewhuttint tut this thl attitude 4tUldocauBo cause Injustice InJultc t tlust to toIllt tolastlust Illt nights tenor teno Riccanio Rccardo Martin Autn fo foh for forhu forlieh hu Is vocally vtaIY a most IDOt excellent exollent Itnterlon ItnterlonThere PinceylonThere nfiron nfironTherThere Ther aro few fewtenor tenor voleos voh s today or such Huclnatural suchnatural suchnaturainatural beuity as al MB and ant KM inherent Inheronmerit Inberentmerit inherentmeritmerit has been ben carefully erefuly developed developedMrMr Martin sings sing with wib great rret freedom fredom and andsmoothness andaDooth andsniootbuesssmoothness aDooth of tone His Hi Intonation Intoaton I Iulmoat hi hialmot Isalmostalmost almot invariably correct cort and his hil phra phraing phrasinK phnasluginK Is good goo He le has not yet displayed any anygreat tny tnygrea anygreatgreat grea temperament temp rament In his binding but h his he heIs heIsis continually oontnualy acquiring ncqulrinl nn In assurance assurancewhich assuranceblcb assurancewhichwhich permit pernlt him to impart iIut some tome variety varietyof orletyoof o accent ncctnt to bin hil delivery delvery delverylmy dci ivorr ivorrEnrnyKmniy lmy Uestinnn lestnnl CfoCioSan Is al altogether altOKether altogether together admirable It t would be flit flittery fli flattorytery to Bay 8Y that tht she be looks IS years Yer o oago of ofall ofageago all but if i she Ihe were as young as g the r61 r61she rOle rOleshe rOiasheshe could neither sing It t nor act it I Asit is she Ihe sh poun pours into its it music a wealth wealthofof feeling feelnc and Ind gives Iive a very real vitality vitlty vitahit vitahittoto 1nccinrn Puoclnll melodious meloiou embodiment emboment rea of ofthe ofte o othethe te little lte Sutlerflia Dultertu emotions emoton Upon Uponthe Uponthe Uponthethe shoulders 8houlder of the the soprano rests rets mos mosof m0t m0tof most mostofof the burden buren of the opera and Mme Mm I IDeatanDestinn Deatan never allows the intensity Inteniy of tho thopathetic thoptheto thepatheticpathetic ptheto drama to flag 6af for an instant instantThe instanthe instantTheThe he Sharpies of last 18t night was Mr MrAmato MrAmto MrAmatoAmato Amto who is happier In several other otherpartH otherpartl otherpartsparts partl It requires roulr8 a considerable stretch stretchof strtch strtchofof the imagination Imaginaton to accept him as asuitable suitble representative of the American AmericanUoumil Americn Americnlomml AmericanConstilUoumil unless one is willing wilng to boliove boliovethat blove blovethat boliovethatthat the President sent nt to t Japan a 1 gentle gentleman gento gentoman gentioman man more familiar faQiar with tho Corao Cono Um Umb Umbro Urnbertobro berto b rto Primo than with tho honorable honorableWistaria bonorableWistul honorableietaniaWistaria Wistul mountain mountainRita mountin mountinRta mountainRitaRita Rta Fornia was W3 the 5uzufas Suzudllhe she was w wlast eaalastlast season lelon Newcomers among the theminor theminor theminorminor members memben of the cast clt were Leo LeoDevaux L LeoDevauxDvaux Devaux as a Yamadori Paolo WulmJn Wulm n as asto asL asLoto L Zio Bonio and Georges Bourgeois as asakuridrakuridr Yaulde Mr Toscanlni Tocnini conducted and andonce andonceonce more moredaplaye displayed his beautiful butful mastery masteryof masterof the score The orchestra orhOtr played ex excellently excelenty oxcellently cellently celentyAt tho Manhattan I nbdtan Opera Oper House 101le La LaTraviata L LaTraviataTraviata Traviat was WiS repeated repted with wih Mme lme Tet Tetrazzini Tet177inl11 TeLrazzinirazzini 177inl11 as tho t interesting representative representativeof rjueentaJve rjueentaJveofof thephthlmcil the Viotrtta Viotrla Mr McCormack McCormackas McCrmack McCrmackasas Mjrrdo and Mr Hammarco Smmar as Uer aermontWere Jefmonl JefmonlWero nt ntwerWere the other otherpnincipal principal prilcipilinger prilcipilingerFOOTt singers singersFOOT11ML singersPOOTRtL1FOOT11ML FOOTt SEATS S7t 7 1 EACH EACHKten JtCI JtCIKfn E4C7ivenKten Kfn Ullonalr Millionaire ItalUnl Jalkll at l laln iaing a > lne sino SI5Ofor sinoV I IrorV for Two Tfo Ticket TicketIf TIkpl TicketsIfIf I anybody anyby wants two seats Ita for the theInrvardYale theHararYale theHarvardYaleInrvardYale HararYale football footbl g game mi choice dtlc post pcsiion J postthoUion tol and all ni that there ther Is a man in New Newlavin SowHaven NewHavenHaven with two to t dispose dl pO of He spentyesterday yestenr and some money telephoning telephoningo telephoningtoNewtoow o > tjw York I ork hotels but the clerks he got goton goton gutonon the wire wir did not seem sm aa a eager to get geth gt gtth gettheth the h tickets as ho thought they eagr would wouldCUB wOIII woukusCUB nUl us Hclimld the head hMI clerk at atttte the tie St Stlegis ft ftRgil StRagislegis Rgil wan wal caught rlht at the end of the tele teleihono i iphonc I Iphonoihono the first Ort thing after afer he had reached reachedha reache Iha hotel yesterday yesteray morningSay Sy said ld the man mal in New ewlaven ewlavenatthlren Haven Havenatat atthlren thirteen and ald a 1 third thir cents cnt a minute minutegot minutegot minutegOtgot anybody alYby there tlereho therewlio who wants wlnt two good goodBenin go goodseatsBenin Batl for Saturdays Sturdays game I have hve two twocrackajacks twocracklack twocrackajackscrackajacks cracklack right right on gme the yt yard line lineand lne lneand lineandand Ill 11 bell 61 them cheapHow much queried quere Schtnld SchtnldOne Smid SmidOneOne hundred hundr and fifty ffy dollars dollar for the thealr thepir tilepairpir pair > alr Let Lt me know right rlglt away will willou wi willyouyou ou as 1 may be b able abl to sell Bl them else elsewhere elsewhere le wherewher k kSchmld V VSchmidSchmld 8hmldfel fell up upagalnat against tHe 1g0 office ofo safe safeBay safeSay fe feSyheBay Syhe he whispered whispr into the receiver receiverwhen rceiver rceiverwhen receiverwhenwhen ho h could recover rr breath brath we have havea bve bveaa few millionaires milonir here but they have haveall haveal haveall Iall al joined jolnE Carnegies peace c society iety How Howver Howver howeverver Ill take tke your address addressNumerous addrM addrMNumerul addressNuinerotisNumerous Numerul young men with wlb broad broadboulders brod brodtholider broadshouldersboulders tholider were wer going goag about inquiring inquiringatat t the hotels yesterday yesteray afternoon for forIckets fortckets forticketstickets tckets for the game ame but not even the thenost tbemot timmoatmoat mot enthusiastic entbuaiatc thought SI5U 1 lo cheap cheaporfor or two twoCARELESS 6lt 6ltCIRETSi seats seatsCIRELESSCARELESS ELECTION ErECIO OUT IOVXTBrooklyn COUNTBrooklyn OUTroOkllBrooklyn roOkll Vole ote on o Amendments Amtd let Muddled Muddledrntlre 3tuddirdintire Iuddl drntlre Ure Tally Tal of r One District Datrlet Milling MillingThe MissingThe IIIIC IIIICTleThe Tle work of the board bon of county can oanassera 01nvas canvassersassera vas In Brooklyn Brookly is II held up because becausef bU8 bU8of Iof f the discovery of glaring errors eror and andIscrcpancles anddlsrpnce anddiscrepanciesdiscrepancies dlsrpnce especially explaly in the vote on onjo onthe onthothe jo amendments amendment to the State Stt Constitution ConstitutionAlderman Constuton ConstutonAldernlan ConstitutionAlderman IAlderman Diemor chairman of the thejoard thebor theboardboard bor ivl AIVM that tht in the seven sven Assemblyistncts di rct MO o far canvassed cnva there is no norecord norrd norecordrecord rrd of 30UO 30 votes vot on these the3 amend amendments amendment amendments ments ment The ho Inspectors Insptor s seemed smed to thinkthe lie amendments ameldment of little ltl account acount and andxercisedHio andexeriao andexerciseduoxercisedHio exeriao care cre In handling handlng the vote vot on onhem onthem onthemthem themThere themThere hemThereThere is a remarkable rmarkble mixup In the theTwentyfirst thoTwentyfrst theTwentyfirstTwentyfirst Twentyfrst Election Eleton district of the Fifth FifthAssembly Fifh FifhAembly FifthAssemblyAssembly Aembly district there thre being bing no record recordon rord rordonon tho tally tly sheets sh te of the votes vots cast ct for forhe forthe forthethe various candidates ondldt The only thing thingshown thingIhow thingshownshown Ihow Is that 483 83 votes vot were wer cast cat but butust butjut butjustjut just ust how they were distributed diatrbute cannot cannotdetermined oannotb cannothob ho determined detrine unless unthe unlesathe the ballot bUot boxes bxl are areopened areopened I Iopenedopened The Te inspectors IDp r explained eplined that thatsome thatIme thatsomesome Ime one stole their tally sheet shet on election electionnight eleton eletonnight electionnightnight after the ballots Ollob had been bn returned returnedo returto o the box bx and the box scaled aled The only onlyrecord onlyror onlyrecordrecord of the vote In this district dlltrct Is that thatumishod tht thtfumilo thatfurnishedror furnished fumilo to the police polc and this thil is not notofficial notofcial notofficialofficial ofcial Alderman Aldern Diemer had a con consultation conaultton coneultation sultation aultton yesterday YCtrday with Assistant A8Istant Cor Corxjratlon Corporton Corporatlonxjratlon Counsel Counl James Jam D Bell Bl in ref refrcnco refernoo retorencorcnco ernoo porton > to the canvass canV1 muddle and the thealter thelattr thetatteralter lattr said saidThis sid sidThis saidThisThis is an outrage o trKe An awful fuss fu is ismado i i imademade if one man registers or votes vot II IIegally I Iilegallylegally but this thi is much muc worse wor The TheDistrict TheDlltrlct TheDistrictlef Dlltrlct District I Attorney should shoul make a thorough thoroughnvostlgation thorugh thorughInvOtgatlon thoroughinvestigationinvestigation InvOtgatlon and prosecute prute whoever whover is isesponsible isrelpnslble isresponsibleresponsible relpnslble But there is II nothing noting for the thejoard thebor theboardboard of canvassers canvllr to do but to count countand countand countandand bor publish Jublsh tho figures fgr which they the3 have haveTheir haveTheir haveTheirTheir duty is il purely clerical clercl If I any anyCandida anycndidte anycandidatecandidate cndidte to or anybody anyboy who is interested interestedn Intersted InterstedInIn n the amendments wants want the total totl vote voteet vot voteletlet et them go to court and have be tho boxes boxesopened boxesopn boxesopenedopened opn IS3OOOOOO 3JO FOR CANADAS 42AOA8 VIV1 NflYEstimate VIV1EstimatesEstimates EtmatH for Next Fiscal Year Exceed ExceedThis Ixeerd IxeerdTIs ExceedThisThis TIs Years YeaIpenebSI Expenses by b iaO4JHlO iaO4JHlOOTTAWA lOO17M10OTTAWA oHIO I IOTUWAOTTAWA Ont Nov ov 19 Appropriations Appropriationsof toApproprlatons toApproprlatonsofof 10000 3000000 for warships warship dockyards dokyanlI and andtraining andtrining andtrainingtraining trining ships is I the new feature telture in the theGovernment theGoverment theGovernmentGovernment Goverment estimates for 10101011 1110111 just justtabled jUlttble justtabledtabled tble in the House HOU8 of Commons CommonsThere CommonsThere CommonsThereThere is an increase of over SUIo78UI SUIo78UIIn 10047810 10047810inin the general estimates estmatel as a compared oompr with withthe WIUIthe withthethe appropriations appropriaton voted vot for the current currentyear curnt curntyear currentyearyear The amount asked aked in the main mainestimates maineltmattll mainestimatesestimates eltmattll for 13101011 11111111 is St27f70m St27f70mSmal 8127670993 8127670993Small m 70 93 93SmallSmall Smal lire rf on the theCorlr theCorlrJ Corsair CornalrJJ Pierpont Morgans steam atOm yacht yachtCorsair yaohtCrlr yachtCorsairCorsair Crlr which IB undergoing repairs roprs at atTiegen atTietgll atTietgenTiegen Tietgll k lAngs drydock drdok in Hobokon Hobokonreceived Iobln Ioblnrohed Ilobokonreceivedreceived rohed several verl hours hour attention attnton from fromtho frm frmtbe fromthethe Hoboken Hobken firu A ro department yesterday yesterdayhecauat Yeterdayheclul yesterdaybecausebecause heclul n 1 H Hllrk > ark from a riveters rivetrs fur furnace furnRC furflare started blaze in the storeroom storeroomTheflare nRC tared a I ltrrm ltrrmTheThe Hoboken firemen fremen were wer getting gettng along alongwell alongwel alongwallwell wel when the firebcat frebcat New Yorker Yorkersteamed Yorkertmed Yorkersteamedsteamed tmed up and asked Ike if I she could help helpHoboken helpHobken helpHobokenHoboken Hobken UJ said sid she Ihe was Wl much obliged oblged and andtho nndUle andthethe New Yorker went away The bere bereWM fire firewas firewaswas confined conlne to the storeroom torerm and ad caused causedless cu causedlessless le than 110 1000 damage damageHubwajs damageHubsa damageubwsyeHubwajs Helping IIlns Downtown pownto1 Churches riiurthetDowntown Cburee ChurchesDowntownDowntown Dwntown churches cburohe era re profiting profitng by bythe bythe bythethe subways Said the vicar vicr of Trinity TrinityChurch TrinityCurch TrinityChurchChurch Curch yesterday yeltrcby There Tber cannot Oot bo b too toomany toomany toomanymany subways subwa for us u Brooklyn Brk and The TheBronx Te TeBronx TheBronxBronx come om to t U us on a they tf could ou not nt a to I do dothe dote dothethe Oraoe Church atte pnst tO Curoh at Broadway Broadwayand Broway Browayad Iand ad Tenth Teth street ett the Churoh urof of the theAscension theAnlon theAscension IAscension Anlon at Fifth Firh avenue aveue and Tenth Tenthstreet TenthstTt Tenthstreetstreet stTt the old ol First Frst Presbyterian a the theMadison thoMaison theMadisonMadison Maison Square tt PnwbytArtan P Prbyr i and ad many manyothers may mayothera manyothersImproved others have ha Vf transportation t Attained Attaine prtlon to t n n new w life lfe by b the theImproved the theImprovedArT TTY A New 4 4V Novell by byMARY bYf4U 4U iWHEN MARY ROBERTS ROBERTSRINEHARTT5 ROBERTSRNEHRT ROBERTSRINEIIARTYIV ii r1i MY RINEHARTT5 RINEHARTT5AUTHOR RNEHRT RNEHRTAtOR AUTHOR AtOR OF OFThe OFTeThe Te Circular Cicular Staircase StaircaseThe Stacase StacaseThe StaircaseTheThe Man in i Lower LoWer Ten TenMAN TenWhenWhen a Man Marries Maties involves a dinner party par of olrou young yOHQfisociety youngsocietysociety folks quarantined by the illness ines of a Jap butler buter a acharming 3chrmingcharming chrming girl Eil r1 masquerading against a inst her will wi as hostess h stes a fat fatanitt htani5t fataniStanitt in love with wih his hi own wife wife the wife imprisoned imprsne in her herown Jt Jtown heiownown furnace furac room rm a rich aunt with an all al to too candid cndid tongue tonguea tonz I IiousMANWhen a policeman pliman acting acng aa a chief cook ck and bottle botte washer the th myttet myttetious myt mystetbusMAN ious presence presenc of an unknown thief who takes necklaces necacN bat batprefers batprefers butprefersprefers bedclothing the thebut thebut but to name the te characters charea is only onlyto tto take tak the edge of of off the spontaneity of their uproarious upranoU fan fanA fl ftniA N NAA CleverSprightly CleverSpty Deliriously Delcouly Humorou Humorous Mystery Myter Novel NovelOver NQeh NQehl NoveLMARRIES ll i xMARRIES MARRIESOver 1Over Fifty FitmusttoDs Illustrations Many in Color by Harrison Haron Fisher Fisherand and Mayo BuDi Bunker Bu kei keiAt Jj JjAt I ItAt t all a Betktelltn BulllllTS The BOBBSMERRILL BOBBSMERRILL CO e0 Pullishtrs H CLEWS NOT FOR SUFFRAGE SUFFRAGEf I4 CALAMITY CA1A1Ti HE Il iALLS t4M IT AD ADSOME AVnSO AVISOMESOME SO f WOMEX nOJl APPLAVD APPLAVDFriend APIiAUIFriend I IFrtendFriend of Lincoln Ailtlier of Grant Grat and andKodralhcr ant soilodraIhcrKodralhcr odralhf or Roosevelt Roosevel as Dr Hill HillIntroduced 111 HillIntroducedIntroduced Introuct Him 11m Sai Sa the Ballot BallotMight ilallotMIIIt alot alot1altMight 1alt head I ad Women nomt to Be Insulted InsultedThere InsaltThere TeM 1 are was wa a great burst burt of ofar applause applauserom laufrom rom a 1 Metropolitan Jelropolt J Temple nudiencn nudiencnast DudlenClast night when at the th end cnd of a alonr long speech speechllrected Rpeoh Rpeohdirtd speechlirtCteIdirtd llrected against lalntt the woman suffrage suffragemovement autrage autrageUovem suffragemovementmovement Uovem nt Hinr Henry Clews Cews leaned lened over the themlplt th thpulpi thepulpitpulpit pulpi and extending his hil right hand handolemnly handlemnly handsolemnlysolemnly ceilingward clngwar shouted Ihout Rod Rodorbld Go Godforbid Iforbid that thl this calamity should ever l he hefAi befail > e enllfail fAi our land landAmen landAmen IantlAmen IAmen was the fervent responiM r3rOfo of ofaa 1 short Ihor stout woman In a black frock frockand frok froknn frockandand nn rose ro wreathed wrth hat It And nd there thpr WAS WASanother WI WIanlther wasanotheranother anlther burst of f applause before bfof any anyone anyoneluut one onemd onehadmd a 1 chanr hmo to move a vote of thank thanko tanCRtoto o the t be speaker speakerAll pcl rAll 1 those hoe In n favor please rise ris Mid MidIre saidMrs IdIre 1 Julian Julan Heath ltath who was wa acting acIng as ashairman I aschairmanchairman of the meeting m tng Almost AlmOt every everyone everyone everyoneone promptly resigned rlKne1 bin or her neat neatmt 8t 8thut seatbuthut mt there tlre were wlre some who didnt and an anIderly anelderl aneldenlelderl Iderly man in the Rend second row of pews pewatilled Pwa Pwaied pewsOiled Itilled ied Take Takol n full rul vote why whydont dont you youfow you1 you1Now youNowNow then thenII theneli nil thow th opposed opposedSome OPIJMe opposedSonicSome of those tbOo who were standing I tnding for forot forgotgot ot to nit down and some of those th who whorcre wbowere whoWerewere sitting litlll rose rfle without waiting for foritrs forMrsMrs Mr Heath leth to nay anything ayhing but the tht mo moon mothou thou on apparently npparnt wan wal carried carriedMr crrieMr Clews Cle talked taked for an hour His Hisearers ll illshearereherr hearere earers chiefly chlefy women Interrupted Interpt him himmany himmny himmanytimes that sounded soundedImoxt soundedIaIfliOstmany mny tJmP by handclapping BoudedIaIfliOst al Imoxt t too strenuous atrnuOUB to bo attributed attribut d to toIB totho tothethe IB antis whose whoe professed role r le is that of ofonsqlououit ofconl ofconseicuotsonsqlououit conl iouoq inconspicuousness inconiptcuousnessNot Inconlplcuou8neNot once onc did Mr Clown ClewllY say that women womenwere womenwere womenwerewere Inferior Inferor to men either intellectually intellectuallyr Intelectuly Intelectulyoror r morally Never did he say they were wereucapable wer wereincapableincapable inc pablo of solving sociological lSolologicl and Ind eco ecoomlc eeoqoloond ceoiom1comlc qoloond and political pltcl problems problem Nor did dide dd didlie1 lie e no 10 much as Al suggest sugg t that they had no nogbttovote norlgbt norightright gbttovote to vot vote Ho le dwelt only ony on the sweet sweetens swet swetn sweetnasa nasa n and charm and lofty ideals Idels of woman womanwhich womn womnwhlcb womanwhichwhich he Raid 6id would be menaced menc by con conact conbe contactact be with wth the thelordide sordidness of practical practicallolitics prcicl prciclpolitC practicalpoliticsloliticsHepolitics politCHe Bang ng the prahen praf of the wife and andmother andmother andmothermother who would Inevitably Inovltbl be pre preented prevent proventedvented vent from fulfilling ruiflng the tbl duties of the theofty tbelofylofty lofy estate etat to which nature nture had called calledler cale calledherher ler if i she were burdened burened with wth the ballot ballotle blot blotle ballotliele lie le pointed polute out the tle dangers and inoon inooneniencen InoonvlnienO moonvenienceeniencen vlnienO to which the real rol lady would wouldbe ouldbbe b subjected ubJeced at the polls pols and in political politicalcaucuses poltcal poltcalcaucU politicalcaucusescaucuses caucU and shuddered dramatically dramatcaly after afterle afer aferthe afterthethe le mention menton of each particular prticulr horror horrorMrs horor hororMrs horrorMrsMrs Gilbert Gibrt Jones JonR who wore ore a hello hellorope helo helotrop hellotropetrop trope rope costume ctumo of chiffon cloth and a awplumed abephue abeplurnodwplumed bephue picture pictu hat to match math thud ehudered Bhudder thuddareddared der too and so did dd Mrs Mr Heath leath who sat satwsido satbesido satbesidebeside her on tho platform pltfor The Ii Rv RvJ 11ev v vWesleyJ Wesley WCley Hill Bi who introduced Introuc Mr Clews Clewsas Clewsaas a tbe friend of Abraham Lincoln the theadviser theadvar theadviseradviser advar of Gen Grant and tho godfather godfatherf gofather gofatherofof f Theodore Tbeore Roosevelt Roovelt preserved a audioial I ajudicialpre80rvejudicial udioial and impartial Imprtil smile Bmle throughout throughoutWoWo can cn easily picture picure a refined refinedwoman refned refnedwoman refinedwomanwoman said Mr lr Clew dressed in inhe inthe Inthethe height of fashion saving sylna ces something somethingn ImethlngInIn n a speech peh or conversation converton at a a public publicmeeting publo publometig publicmeetingmeeting metig to which some Bme coarse cor and igno ignonnt Igo Igornt ignorantrant rnt woman or woman of ill 1 repute reputeistoninR rput reputelisteninglistening Iltnlnl to her might make mko objection objectionu objeton11 In u the most mOt Insulting Insultng language Inguage Worse WOn Worsestill Vornotilltill ati might migt happen happn if sho made a spirited spiritedreply spirit spiritedreplyreply to such Ich a 1 woman who would per periaps perhapl perhapehapl hape iaps not hesitate to strike atrke her and make makeshipwreck makeahipwrk makeshipwreckshipwreck of her costume Ctume with wth the posai posailo pi pible possibloble > lo result reult that she would go home with withaa black eye e a damaged dmage nose no8 torn gar Jtarnents ga garmeatsmeats ment and 10 disheveled hair hr and even her heriat herhat herhathat iat not on o straight but butalasl alas all awryWoman should Ilould bo b proud of her pod position pi pitonDI podtlon tion as it is continued ontnued Mr lr Clews CleW and andcontent andcont andconh5fltcontent cont tonDI nt with being blnK a thing of f beauty beautyand bauty bautyand beautyandand a I joy forever He then quoted quotedhe quotedthethe lines Une beginning bginnig Oh woman womn in our ourtoura ourhour ourhourshour hours toura of ease e0 and also a called cale woman womna 0 asiren siren and a ministering angel in ixio ixiosentence one onentenoo one onesentencesentence sentenceMr ntenooMrMr Clews demonstrated demonltrt to the antis satlsactlon antisfactionfaction facton of many of those tho present prnt atl atlfacton that thatif tht thtIfI if women wer werepormitted were permit pmite ted to t vote they theywould theywouldwould become bome eager fKr for office ofc and would wouldsacrifice wouldIcrlcenot wouldsacrificesacrifice Icrlcenot not only the welfare of their theirtomos theirhomes theirhomeshomes tomos but their own ow modesty moety and deli delicacy del deUcac cacy cacc It i would seem Im that In the cane C of the thesuccessful the thesuccMful thesuccessful Isuccessful succMful ones one the woman ofllcehold ofllceholdcrs onlcbold onlcbolder Iera er he went on their husbands huabnd would Ihave to care ere for their homes homtand and children childrenand chldltln chldltlnand childrenand Iand the women would learn more mor and andmore andmore andmoremore to dominate domint tho men and in con consequence cn cnluenC consequence sequence luenC make them more subservient Rubrvlent and andeffeminate andeltmlntA andeffeminate Ieffeminate eltmlntA while whie themselves themlelves becoming becomingmore bcoming bcomingmore Imore and more masculine maaulne Thus they theywould theywould theywnuldiwould wnuldi I repeat rpet l he > reversing v ltIlng the order orderofof nature and destroying d trylng their homes orer orerof and anddomestic anddom08to anddomesticdomestic dom08to life lifeWomen UreWomen lifeVnmoa IWomen In politics plUO as In business businesswould bUllnes businesswouldwould also al > in time tme threaten thretn to crowd out outthe outthethe men lust ust n mlthe n4 the university girls are arealready areRlread arealreadyalready threat thrntnlll threatening nriir to crowd crwd out the theuniversity theuniveriy theuniversityuniversity univeriy men In thin thll country The first firstwoman fIrstwomanwoman admitted admite to a college clel here made madeher mudeher madeher Ilt Iltwomanher entry entl nt t Oberlin Oberln In ISM 1 1 She made madehe madethe madethethe world wonder But now 60 C per cent centof cnt cntof centofof the students student In all al our colleges colegs pr open openo op opento n ntoto o them the are arewomll women womenContrary womenContraryContrary to thn Temple custom c tom no noquestions noquestona noquestionaquestions questona wore wor asked by the audience audienceaftnr audiencenffr audienceafterafter nffr the speaker lpkor had finished tnilhe Mrs MrsHeath Mr MrsHeathHeath Heat had specially apecllly requested ruo te that there thereshould therebe thereshouldshould be none explaining that this thissnt thisI thisisntsnt Ist a debate debatoBefore debtl debateBeforeI Before Dfore Mr lr Clowns CloW1 talk tlk Mr n Gilbert OlbrtTones Jone chairman ohaira of the executive commit commitMaMa t of tho League L o for the fxeutvn Civlo Education EducationofEucton Euctonofof Women Wome Wom undor ucM whoso whoo auspices uplC the lo lotur 10tune tur was delivered dehe spoke of the to late Rich Richard Rcb Rich5f54fl ard a Watson Watn 5f54fl Gilder Glder who sh she said had hadalways hadahmYR hadalways Ialways b been an a wurm wr friend fred of the LeagueThe Th audience aulec rose rOG and stood atd In I silence 1180 Izo for fora formlnutfla minute nt th the conclusion coneluio of her re remarks remarks remarks marks Mrs llr Gilder Glde is I president pldet of the theeaguoI league leso lesoI leagueSS VRAIXES RA11S LAW HOTELS HOTELSMember IITELf IITELflclbr HOTELSMembersMember lclbr or the Fourteen See the te Goer Governor Goternor I Ioornor and Suggest 8USSet More Action ActionGov Aoton ActionGov i iGovGov Hugbea Hugb0 received rived at Albany yes yeserday ye yeery yeserdayerday ery these tbe members membrs of tho committee committeeof commit toe I Iofof fourteen fourten for the suppression of flames Raineslaw Rln08I flameslawlaw laW hotels The Rev Rv John Joh P Peters Petersthe Petra I Ithe Ithethe chairman chirman Congressman Cngrman William WlUa 8 8Bennot SBonnetBonnet Bnnot Edward Eward J MoGuire Mcuire and ad Secretary SecretaryWhitln Brtary BrtaryWhltl SecretaryWhitmnWhitln WhitlnThe Whltl WhitmnThe i irhoThe committee committ presented to tho Coy Governor Oovoror Coyernor ernor oror the facts faot of law enforcement enforment1ln enforment1lnSew In InNew inNowNew York city ct by the Excise Eci Department Departmentagainst Dparent I Iaplnat Iagainstagainst the disorderly resorts and ad while whilefinding whie whiefding whilefindingfinding fding much to admire dmlr r8r directed dlrted directedtion atten attention aten Ition ton to tho need ne and ways waynnd and means meaof of ofmaking ofmakingmaking more effective erelve that recent rnt amend amendment lend lendment amendmont ment to t the excise excis law lwb by which even eventhe eventhethe dives dlv of the lower lowr Bowery Dwery were wereclosed wereclosedclosed 010 Police Commissioner Cmmlioner Bingham Blnghamandand the Excise Ec Department Dprtment working workingtogether workingtO workingtogethertotogether tO thar to 1i accunipliaU it The committee committeeurged committ committeeurgedurged urge additional additonl appropriation apprpr atoM to se secure 1 socure cure better bter enforcement enforcementTho enforment enformentThoTho committee cmite also al reported reporte to the theGovernor thoGoveror theGovernorGovernor Goveror its recent rtnt experience with withthe withthe withthethe surety companies to the exprence effect that tht the thosnorts thefortarmpnles elet te teorsnorts or of bfhe the New York State Stteoomple companies companieswhich companieswhichwhich are r the largest lrgt and most power powerful powerful ful in the field leld had hd been bn thwarted thwaed pwer pwerful by two twosmall twoamal twosmallsmall amal companies compnlN organized orpnlz in other otherStates otherStt otherStatesStates Stt Foots Flt and figures ft guree were ere left leftwith loftwith fwith the Governor Govrnor upon gr which the com committee commite mittee mite hop hopes he will wiic wiicTIl upn act actTHE actTilLTHE TIl SEAGOERS SEAGOERSFour SEtOERS SEtOERSourFour our Atlantic Liners U er Taking Takls Out Notrm Notrmber NOfm NOfmber Novirnherber Vo Voyagers eacera > aE r Today TodaySailing Tea TeaSing TadaySailingSailing Sing today toy by the Hamburg HamburgAmerican Hmburg HmburgAmeric HamburgAmericanAmerican Americ liner lner Kalaariu Kalrn Augusta Auguat Vic Victoria Vlotorlfor VieLoris Loris torlfor for Plymouth PltouthCerburg Cherbourg and andHamburg ad adHambur andHamburgHamburg HamburgXIr HamburMrs Mrl U I W Cannon Mrs H I W Cannon CannonJr Cnnon CnnonJrJr Herbert lfrber F Dawson William Wilam W WDanblell WDablel WDashirilDanblell Dablel Mr lr sod Mrs H Forbes Julian JulianCharles JullanCharlesJulan JulanChrleCharles Chrle C Forbes orbe Max I FHedlander FHedlanderWarren Flelander FlelanderWarren FnledianderWarrenWarren M 1 Leeds Iee Stanton Stnnlol B Leeds Ld Mr Mrand Mrand Ir Irandand Mrs Jrt Charles Chrle A de Lima J Mr lr and lnd Mrs rs rsJ1 8 Martin Matn Admiral and Mrs Mr Reeder ReederMr ReederJtrMr Jtr and Mrs E B Tolnian and Mr lr and Mrs MrsJ trsJJ De D Pratt White WhitePassengers Whie WhiePngr WhitePassengersPassengers Pngr by the te White Wil Star Str liner linerCeltic lier lierCltc linerCelticCeltic Cltc for Queenatown Qenstow and Liverpool LiverpoolN LcrN E EWbltfhed Whltehcud Mrs JlrJ M ArcherShee ArcherSheeHon ArcherSbeelonHon lon Arthur Borer 80yerCpt Capt and Mrs Mr H I 8 8Buckle HDuckle BBuckleBuckle Lady ltdy Gordon Cummins Cummlnl Arthur ArthurCulver Arhur ArhurCulver ArthurCulverCulver Mm 1Ir John Hosklns Hokins Hon Hugh IhllhHoward and nd Mr 1r Howard Howad Dr J J D 1 Hunter luntpr IMr and Mrs E U Iay IAycok cock Col A 11 11Vincent iiVincentVincent Vln ent Dr and aD d Mrs n It J 1 Ounn and H I W 11 VWalker WalkerBy WalkerBy IWalkerB By B the North Nor German Gern Lloyd Uoydlnr linerPrlneess Pinz Irene Irne for the Mediterranean MediterraneanMrs ledltrnen ledltrnenMrsMrs I E Ashley Mr r and Mrs llr William Wiiam WilliamP1T P1 Bartlett Marchwa Marcbea Maria ata dMontafflinri dMontafflinriMrs dMontallhal dMontallhalIrlMrs R D Goodrich Oodrlch Mm 1r Henry C Hopkina Mr and 2ndln Mrs M I J Lawrence Jwrenfe Mr Mrand Mrnd Mrandand nd Mrs J 3 Ed Eca Edgar ear Leaycrafl 1acra1 Dr tleoree OerlePeabcdr Peobo Mr and Mrs Ellis Ell B Reeves RerveaDr Ren RenDrRndDr DrRnd and Mrs Mrt B W V Hoy Mr and Mr Mr John JohnAA Ruthcrfurd Rutberrurt Mrs 1IrF Frederic refrto Rensselaer RensselaerSchoonmaker nrnrlaerSchonmaker RensselaerSchoonmakerSchoonmaker Schonmaker and Arthur O I Towne TownePassengers TownePangr TownePassengersPassengers Pangr by the Atlantic Atlanlo Transportliner lner Minneapolis Mnneaplis for London LondonR Lndon LndonRR W Allison Alsn Mr 11r and Mn Ir W E Bakrr Biker Biker11nMrs F W Harcourt Mrs M I E Jalhrop lhroprMr r and Mrs Mr Q A Savage Bavle svage and Mr and Mrs MrsAA K Mayntrd ltaynsrd ltaynsrdBing MaynardSailing MayntrdSailingSailing Bing by b the Lamport Lmpr Sc Holt liner linerVasari lner lnerVari linerVasiiVasari Vari for South Suth America AmericaB Amerca AmercanB I Pickering Plckerlnl Oen and Mrs Mr C McC McCReeves llce llceIrs lcC lcCReevesReeves Mrs Irs O P I f Babbitt Babbit Mr and Mrs MrsKK L J Ipjohn Mr and Mrs Mr Roy Chandler ChandlerJJ H I Senior and D C Biker RlkerBIDDIXG nter nterRIDDlO BikerBIDDINGBIDDING FOR AVIATiON MEET MEETLoll IEETLots EEF EEFIotLoll of Cities CltN After It 1 and Id Larrte Lrle Sums or orMoney orJlone ofMoneyMoney Have Uav Been Bee Offered OfferedBids Orerf OfferedBidsBids for the proposed propol international internationalaviation Intrtonl Intrtonlavton internationalaviationaviation avton meet met of 1910 110 are being received receivedat reived reivedatat the Aero Club of America Americ under whose whoseauspices Wh08 whoseauspiceauspices auaplo it is to bo b held hel The Te Aero Club Clubof cub cubof Clubofof Washington and Baltimore isWuhlngtn ad Bltmore partic particularly prto prtoularly particWanly ularly anxious to t get the tournament tournamentand tourment tourmentandand will i send snd Thomas Toms F Walsh as al repre representative repreentatve reproaentative sentative entatve to confer with the New York Yorkclub Yorkclub Yorkclubclub Mr Walsh Wal will wi entertain entertin the di directors director dlrectors rectors rector of the Aero Club at the Metro Metropolitan Motropolitan lelr politan poltn Club Tuesday Tey evening evenig when when ho howill hewi liewiUwill wi present pret tho proposition for the two twocities twocitiescities cUes William Wiim E Metzger fetJJer of Detroit Detroitwill Detoit Detoitwlal8 Detroitwill Iwill wlal8 also come to New York to to make an anoffer anrrer anofferoffer for that tht cityPhiladelphia Phldelphi has wired wire an offer of oftOO1100000 tOO The Te sum of o 150000 t50 has been beenoffered ben benorer beenofferedoffered by both Oakland Cal and Port Portland Portland Portland orer Oaklandiland Oro The Aero Club C ub of Ht tt 31 Louis Louishas Loul Louishashas bl also al announced anounc that tt It is prepare prepared to toraise t toraiseraise ril almost almOt any sum It is probable probablethatthat St Louis Lull anf will wil get the te international internationalballoon IntertIonal IntertIonalblooD internationalballoonrscesdiiltOfferlsPlefldidballoon blooD balloonrscesdiiltOfferlsPlefldid raoea r Ol an it offers ol er splendid sleni facilities facilitiesSo tal 1MSo far Now York has done nothing notng In Inthethe 8 way of bringing brgln the meet m8t here A Arepresentative AreprntAtiverepresentative of the visit the various cities cie making ming offers to toInvestigate t toinvestigateInvestigate the grounds gunda proposed Out Outside Out Outside prpsside the te money Inducement Inducment It I is necessary necessaryto neeto consider onalder location loton and the advantages advantagespresented advantge advantagepresentedpresented for aviation aviationSomo nvlaton aviationSomeSome members memor of the Aero Club are areeager areolr areeagereager Smo to have the aeroplane aerplo contests contestsheld rntestl contestsheldolr held over Uempatead lempslead Plains Plins in Long LongIsland Lng LngllndIsland IslandMiss llnd Island311cc IMiss 1 flaIrs Going Gotn to Africa to Wed WedMiss WedMiss fMiss 1ISI Phoebe Pboeb Oaten Oatel the youngest daugh daughter daughtr ter tr of Capt pt P J Ofttea Oal a veteran of the theBoor theBr theBeerBoor Br war who lives at 155 15 Meserole Mesrole ave avenue avenie avenIle nIle nie Greenpolnt started atrt d for Africa Afric on onWednesday oneeay onWednesdayWednesday eeay whero she is II to t wed James JamesBowles Jameshlowlegn IBowles Dwles1 n mine owner Cant CaptOatea Gates came cameto cme cameto Ito ti America from Johannesburg Johannesburl after aftr the thewar thewarwar Bowies Dwltllnd and 111 Miss Gates Oats were wer sweet sweethearts sweetborla I Iheartshearts borla in the Transvaal TraDval She started startedalono sb startedalonealone on her journey of 14000 HO miles mies to toKhodosia t toRhodesiaRhodesia where she is II to meet met her her1c fiance1 fiance1Jlone fiancMorse 1 1IoreMorse Iore nets StillFurther Stl Still Further Time TimeThe Tme TimeThe i iTheThe extension tenon of te the forty fory day daygranted dy1 u7 u7granted Thanksgiving Thnnksghng Novelcs Novelties NoveltiesPure NoveltIe54ci r1 k1 1 1c 1PUfe4ci 4ciPure cPure PUfeTeMplinlf PureTercptinfly lt ltTepIingIyTercptinfly TercptinflyDelicious TeMplinlfDlcious TepIingIyI TepIingIyDeliciatsI Delicious 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parts of the thecountry thecountry 11 11countcountry countryNo conatcton count par tNo office omce furniture frtr of o inferior inferiorcharacter iferr I Icharactercharacter ehaacter could achieve ah e such a astanding aatacg astandingstanding standingThe atacgThe prices prce are the te lowest fotat atwhich at atwhichwhich reputable reptabe goods go can b bold b he hesoldold aid aid5e sold513e5e 513e 91o 91cbcinjckee380382 le380382 Broadway BrOdwyo BrOdwyoIr BraacIwayMrMr 11 Ir r Carlisle rilMc Ablo bleto to Ii Sit Si Up In Be BeJohn Bei BeiJohn HtJi HtJiJohnJohn O Carlisle Carlsle who is seriously rot 111 111in H liiinin Mt Vincent ht1lt Hospital lOpltal was reported reportedto rPrto l he > e gaining fanlog yesterday yotray In tho tf after afternoon art alternoon J Jnonnoon non he sat t up lp In l 1i bed > d for the th first time timisince tlmslnoe timesincesince ho eter entered the te hospital hoplland and swapped swappedstories Istonestories atorM with his bi physicians phflcanM and swap n oo close closefriend lfriend or two Tho 1 he e physician phYllcion said ald 1t that thatthe thatthethe patient was gaining more rapidly Jtthan thn ptent they theyhld hart expected lnlngmoMnpl They Thewe wet werunwilling wetunwillingunwilling UnwlDJ however exp to make any fororoat fC Core Corecastcast mt aa a to the theoutomn outcome of his illness inOO oa oaaccount onaccountaccount Rcunt of his hil agohe a he Is II 74 74d and on ao aoconnt ao accountcount cnnt of certain crin kidney kidey complications complicationsthat complotou complotouthatthat have developed developedHunyadi developedfHunyadl evelop evelopnn fHunyadl fHunyadlI H Hunyadi HunyadiJanos aII I Janos JanosTake d DOS DOSITake TakehalfIIILaIf1 half gkw gkwuponII upon upcnarising upcnarisingII arisingII in the morning morningand fIL and 2ndc2joygood 2ndc2joygoodI cry oy good goodhealthhealth healthail healthailII all alldayI I day daynII n I Ssi Tfee Tk Best BestNataral BiI I Natural Nata Laxative LUve Water 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